Healthy Eating and the Importance of Eating Fruits

Imagine, a day in the middle of Florida’s summer. Feeling your skin sizzle, ocean waves in the background, sand between your toes, and having a perfect slice of watermelon to top it all off. There’s nothing more refreshing than enjoying some healthy eating favorites like pineapple or strawberries on a beach day in Palm Valley. It is called nature's candy for a reason.

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Key Food Group

Fruit comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, flavors, and textures! Fruits provide key nutrients essential for the maintenance of the body, aid in daily body functions, overall health, and are part of developing healthy eating habits. Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, and potassium. Which is why fruit is a key food group!

Incorporating Fruit

Fruits are low in salt, fat, and calories. Fruit tends to be one of those items that miss our lunch boxes, shopping carts, or end up going bad before we remember they were even purchased. The amazing thing about fruit is that fresh fruit is not the only way to get your servings of daily fruit in! Fruit can be fresh, frozen, canned, whole, dried, or in bar form! That’s it. Fruit Bars are made with real whole fruit. That’s it. uses natural, non-GMO, preservative-free ingredients in all of their products, including their Fruit Bars. Because we can’t always be on the beach enjoying our fruit, we can enjoy it in other places! Whether it is a snack in-between meals, meetings, pre-workout snack for some fuel, or having it as dessert, consuming fruit daily is so beneficial. Fruit can also be incorporated in other foods that we love such as toppings on our ice cream, our pancakes, or even covered in chocolate!

More Benefits

Other benefits of consuming fruit include:

  • Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Aids in repairing the body’s tissue
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels
  • Helps heal wounds
  • Helps lower the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and type 2 diabetes
  • Helps keep gums and teeth healthy
  • Reduces constipation

Here at Dietitians of Palm Valley, we believe that all foods fit! We LOVE fruit, but we also LOVE chocolate and other delicious foods. No one food is “bad” for you. We strive to teach all of our clients that there is no such thing as “good” foods and “bad” foods. Food is FUEL for your body, and That’s it. Fruit Bars are a great source of fuel!

Healthy Eating and the Importance of Fruits - Dietitians of Palm Valley

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1. Nutrients and health benefits. Choose MyPlate. Published June 12, 2015. Accessed August 27, 2019.

2. Back to School. That's it. All Natural, Plant-based, Allergy Free Snacks. Accessed August 27, 2019.

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