That's It Fruit Blog
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Hiking and outdoor adventures require proper planning before traveling. It can also suppress your appetite so plan to keep food on hand and remember to snack often throughout your adventures.
Did you know you can burn over 200 calories an hour while hiking? You’re on your feet for many hours and oftentimes don’t take any breaks. [...]
Without prebiotics, the probiotics and good bacteria in your gut, will have nothing to fuel them. This is why nature packages prebiotics and probiotics together, in foods.These days, most people in the health and wellness community know about probiotics. Those beneficial microorganisms are good for your gut, as well as your brain. But prebiotics - [...]
Resistance training workouts are incredibly effective because they contribute to an increase in muscle mass which thereby raises your metabolism and increases your ability to burn fat.
These days, the buzzword “resistance training” has become pretty big news in the fitness industry-and for good reason. Although defined broadly, resistance training refers to the practice of making [...]
Looking for tips on post-workout food? Look no further than fruit! Fruit is an excellent source of nutrients to replenish your body.
A good post-workout recovery routine is just as important as the training itself. The first 15-60 minutes right after exercising is crucial to replenish your body. Complement your workout efforts with portion control foods [...]
In addition to carbohydrates, here are some healthy and nutrient-filled options to incorporate into your pre workout meal or snack.
Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy when you plan to workout, but provide little nutritional value. This is why it is vital to choose foods that contain vitamins and minerals in addition to carbohydrates. To [...]
Everyone wants to achieve a flatter stomach – it’s the most visible part of our physique and can make quite a difference in our overall appearance. Foods that are naturally low in fat are the primary means to achieving a leaner core, as fatty foods will deposit fat around our stomach area.
Here are 10 of [...]
Is it your goal this year to get fit and shape up? If this is your goal, you should note that there are tons of great fitness trends that will likely gain prevalence through the course of the year. Here are three you should consider implementing to make your fitness regimen as successful as possible:
1. [...]
Many find that several workouts each week are vitally essential if they are to stay in shape and feel good.
An effective workout can help people avoid illness and remain active and contribute to a
healthy lifestyle. While some people can devote a great deal of space in their home for a location where they can [...]