We've got 10 spicy cayenne pepper facts heating up this blog post! Keep on reading below to find out more. We love the kick of  That's it. Apple + Mango + Chili bars, but here's a few quick facts about our favorite spicy addition.Cayenne Pepper Facts: Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper. Cayenne pepper originated from [...]
Looking for some fun ginger facts? Here are 10 ready and waiting for you! Keep reading to find out more.Ginger Facts  Ginger is actually a rhizome, not a root. A rhizome is an underground stem. The ginger plant is an herb. Ginger is a part of the Zingiberaceae family, which also includes turmeric and cardamom. Ginger is native to [...]
Have you ever wondered about cinnamon? Where does it come from? What are its health benefits? Well, we've got 10 fun facts on the wholly unique spice just for you.  Cinnamon Facts: Cinnamon comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree. The cinnamon tree can grow up to 60 feet. Cinnamon sticks are also called quills. The 2 most popular [...]
We have all been there, feeling conflicted and confused as we stand in the middle of the grocery store aisles in your attempt to find the most nutritious way of adding fruits to your diet. The packaging tells one story while the Nutrition Facts label tells another with warnings of added sugar. So how do purees, [...]
Lemons are a staple citrus fruit, commonly used for drinks, garnish, and many other purposes. Want to learn more lemon facts? Keep reading. The more you know about food, the better able you are to prepare your lifestyle for healthy eating. With this in mind, here are 10 interesting facts about Lemons!Lemon Facts: Lemons are native [...]
Everyone knows strawberries are healthy, but not many people know the many health benefits of strawberries. These are the top five reasons you should add these super berries to your diet! 5 Health Benefits of Strawberries 1. Antioxidants Strawberries come in at number 27 among the top 50 general foods containing antioxidants, and they rank fourth for fruits [...]
Should you be eating fruits and vegetables seasonally? Eating seasonally is healthier and more cost effective. Seasonal foods can also taste better because they are freshly picked, meaning they have fully ripened and developed. Its abundance also allows stores to stock up, which drives prices down making them easier on your wallet. Here are some of [...]
Did you know what fruit family pomegranates belong to? Find out the answer to this plus more pomegranate facts by reading below! Pomegranate Facts: The word pomegranate means apple with many seeds. Pomegranates are native to the Middle East. Pomegranates belong to the berry family. Pomegranates are classified as a super fruit. Pomegranates can be stored up to 2 months [...]
Persimmons are tasty fruits with an interesting history! Find out more about persimmon facts below! 10 Persimmon Facts  There are about 2,000 varieties of persimmons. There are only 2 types of commercially available persimmons: hachiya and fuyu. Persimmons are typically in season from September to December. Fresh and dried persimmon leaves can be used to make tea. Persimmons originated from China. Persimmons [...]


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