Did you know eating pineapple before surgery and after can help your recovery? Find out more about this fascinating and helpful tip below:  Why Eating Pineapple Before Surgery and After Surgery is Beneficial When you are preparing for surgery, taking proper steps prior to the procedure can help speed post-operative healing. Whether you are planning to undergo [...]
Looking to squeeze extra vitamins and minerals into your daily diet? No need to opt for supplements, when you can easily give yourself and your family a boost simply by adding more fruit into the equation. With fruit, whether frozen, fresh or raw, you can give your body exactly what it needs, building your immune [...]
Believe it or not, science has long proven that there are clear links between poor dietary choices and the increasing prevalence of cancer across the world. More specifically, esophageal cancer, which affects the pipe connecting the mouth to the stomach, is rising considerably in those who are considered obese or morbidly obese. However, what is important [...]
In addition to being delicious and portable, bananas are a powerhouse of nutrients, giving you taste, health and satisfaction in a snack that can go anywhere. These four reasons to love bananas will get your mouth watering for this versatile fruit. Here are four more reasons to to go b-a-n-a-n-a-s for bananas just as much as [...]
Many find that several workouts each week are vitally essential if they are to stay in shape and feel good. An effective workout can help people avoid illness and remain active and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. While some people can devote a great deal of space in their home for a location where they can [...]
Do you wonder, "how many calories should I eat a day?" Keep reading below for more info on general rules of caloric intake. How Many Calories Should I Eat A Day The amount of calories a person should eat daily varies by individual and also on individual health goals. For example, a person wanting to lose one [...]
Here is a very important question for those living with diabetes. Can diabetics eat fruit? The answer is...yes! Actually, when Looking for something diabetes-friendly & sweet to eat, look no further than fruit! Find out more below. Most fruits have a low Glycemic Index (GI), which means they won’t wreak havoc on your blood sugar. Incorporating [...]
Running your first marathon is an adventure that will never be forgotten. Standing in a sea of fellow runners on the day of the big race, you’ll most likely reflect on the months of sacrifice and training that led you there. Though there are hundreds of ways to train for a marathon, one thing is [...]
Looking for ways to improve health fast? Keep reading below for some helpful tips! Getting healthier quickly is all about making better choices. Each situation we face daily comes down to a simple choice, this or that. Literally weighing our options in terms of one or the other allows us to embrace these 5 quick and [...]


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